Friday, May 20, 2011


My name is Andy.  I'm not usually the most articulate person in the room, but I always felt comfortable expressing myself through writing.   So here I go, I’m finally jumping into the blogosphere. After years of positive feedback on my facebook posts, I’ve decided to take a stab at blogging, going from 2-5 sentences at a time to several paragraphs.

Part of the reason I've hesitated is time.  Random thoughts can pop in my head, I write 3 sentences on facebook, 4 people like it, 3 comment on it, and I'm satisifed.  Putting more thought into a longer samples with self imposed deadline will be a challenge given family needs, my work schedule, and I've read only 1 of 7 National Geographics that have come since i received a subscription at Christmas.  And I'll admit it, I'm a sports dork who gets too into fantasy baseball. 

But I'm going to commit to this.  I plan on doing one a week -- always leave them wanting more, right? While I do plan to take this seriously, nothing I write will ever be meant to be taken seriously.  Please understand that my tone will be intended to be sarcastic, overdramatic, or satirical.  I am doing this for fun, not to incite debate.  Although few of my topics will be anything worth debating to begin with. 

So what type of things do I think about, and in turn, plan to write about?  I think of things like The Wizard of Oz would have been a much shorter movie if it took place on a rainy day.  I wonder how awesome it would have been if they had red carpet specials in the 80's (and how old you have to be to stop using the word "awesome").  The thought of Joan Rivers asking Mr. T "who he's wearing" delights me.  I wonder if all the virgins Osama Bin Laden is getting in the afterlife are 600 pounds, with nasty B.O. and crabs (they have to be virgins for a reason right?).

I picked the title "my-randomalities", because thats exactly what these blogs will be.  There will be no prevalent theme. One week I could go on a rant on who was the best Golden Girl, the following blog could be about why women need 6 bottles of shampoo and 5 bottles of conditioner in the shower at once, followed by some facts I've made up. (yes I am aware that is not the definition of fact, but we'll see what you believe).

And with that, I am on my way blogging..

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