Sunday, September 16, 2012

Save The Date

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE OZONE LAYER EVERYONE!!  Boy, it really snuck up on us this year.  Celebrate the day by minimizing rocket flights, cutting back on the use of Aqua net, and don't deforest anywhere.  Keep in mind, that this is an international celebration, so if you planned on going to a Poison concert in Tijuana and wanted to get nostalgic by bringing back your 80's hairdo, it will be frowned upon.  The same goes if you need a some extra firewood and want to jump across the border to Canada and chop down some of their trees.  Tomorrow. you can chop down as many trees as you want, but not today friend.

Days like this are important.  Of course we all know when the big holidays are, like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Presidents' Day ( you ever notice how every mattress dealer has big Presidents' Day sales?  Why is that?  What is the correlation  between Washington, Lincoln, and mattresses? Topic for another time I suppose).  But there are other noteworthy days that don't quite get the national recognition that they should.  That is until now.  Having nearly missed National Milkshake Day last week, I decided I'd bring to your attention some other big days (mostly American) from now until New Year's so that nobody looks foolish when the actual day comes, like today.

Sept 19- International Talk Like a Pirate Day.  What a world we live in where we honor the people that raped, pillaged, stole, murdered, and did many more unethical and unsanitary things by simply adding an "aaarrgh" or "matey" to our sentences.  The best part is that this  is recognized world wide, so people in France, Germany, and Japan will also be talking this way. 

Sept 22- OneWebDay.  This is an annual day of Internet celebration and awareness.  Somewhere there is a grown man in his mother's basement not feeling quite so guilty about looking at porn all day.

Sept 28- World Rabies Day.  There is no joke here.  I'm just curious why they named it World Rabies Day.  Certainly sounds like the disease is being celebrated doesn't it?  Shouldn't it be called World Rabies Awareness or Prevention Day?  Who was in charge of naming that one?

Sept 28- Ask a Stupid Question Day.  No, really.  Its a real day.  This may require a separate blog all to itself.  Please send your stupid question to the My-Randomalities facebook page and lets see what fun we can have with this one.

Sept 29- International Coffee Day.  Prepare for this day by staying up all night on Sept 28 annoying your friends with stupid questions.  And its another international day, so you can sample some fine Colombian coffee, or even better, have an excuse to drink several cups of Irish coffee.

Oct 9- World Post Day.  This day is in remembrance of the creation of the Universal Postal Union in 1874 in Switzerland.  It began the communications revolution as people could begin to write to others all around the world.  To celebrate this monumental occasion, write a letter to:
Jon Dicdican
Hammersminni 18
765 Djupavogi

Yes its a real address and person, and hopefully one who will appreciate a little extra mail.

Oct 16- Boss's Day.  I encourage you to celebrate Ask a Stupid Question Day at work, bombarding your boss with so many stupid questions he/she gets to the point of nearly hurling a stapler at your face.  But today take it easy on them.  Show up on time and don't say much.  They'll probably appreciate that, and if all goes well, in turn, leave you alone.  Oh and guys, take out the trash before the Mrs has to tell you. 

Oct 21- International Day of the Nacho.  Dios mio!!  Spend your day eating heaps of nachos with some beef and ooey, gooey cheese on top.  May as well call it Get Fat Day.

Nov 2- Statehood Day (North & South Dakota).  On this day in 1889 both states were simultaneously admitted to the Union.  For one day each year, the people of North Dakota & South Dakota (the real Dakota) can set aside their differences.

Nov 11- Singles Day (China).  This day gets its name from the four 1's in the date.  On this day many people choose to say good bye to the single life by attending blind date parties.  If there is one thing My-Randomalities is all for, its the love.  However, it caught my attention that a country that is so over populated would have a day to encourage people to get together, and most likely, get it on.

Nov 16- Icelandic Language Day (Iceland).  It would have been better if this day came before World Post Day, because I have no idea if Jon Dicdican knows any English.  But the least I can do is raise awareness to his native language, and maybe he'll get some letters written to him in Icelandic on World Post Day 2013.

Nov 20- Universal Children's Day.  This day was established in 1954 to protect children from working long hours and in dangerous circumstances.  There have been a lot of changes in child labor laws in the US, but not every country has followed.  Be conscious of this, and give Junior the night off from washing the dishes.  He can do them in the morning.

Nov 21- World Hello Day.  The idea of this day is that by saying "Hello" to at least 10 people, we are setting an example for world leaders to use communication rather than force to settle conflicts.  Nov 21 is a bad day for World Hello Day though, because Nov 21 is also:

World Television Day.  If you choose to celebrate World Television Day by only venturing off your couch for a bathroom breaks in instances like the commercial break before the showcase showdown on The Price Is Right, the only people you may say 'hello' to are your boss when you call off work, and the 2 people you talk to when you order and receive your pizza delivery.

Dec 14- Monkey Day.  Eat some bananas.  Watch King Kong.  Pull little bugs out of your children's hair.  If you go all out and fling poo, don't invite me over for your celebration.

Dec 23- Night of the Radishes (Oaxaca, Mexico).  On Noches de Rabanos, the main attraction of the festivities is an exhibition of sculptures made solely from radishes, some as big as 6 whole pounds!  Sculptures can be as intricate as nativity scenes or detailed models of real buildings.  And college kids waste their money going Cancun in March.

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